Priyanka Chopra’s husband and American singer-actor Nick Jonas has said that they would be raising their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas with both Hindu and Christian principles. Nick said that he has learnt a lot about Hinduism after marrying Priyanka and it is ‘inspiring’ for him.
During a recent interview where he appeared with brothers Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas, Nick spoke about his faith and relationship with God. He said, “I have a deep and meaningful relationship with God but God has taken many different shapes than what I just read in one book now. And marrying an Indian woman who is Hindu, I have learned so much about that religion and faith that it is so inspiring. We are raising a child who is gonna have elements of Biblical principles and also from the Hindu faith.”
Nick and Priyanka got married in December 2018 in both Hindu and Christian wedding traditions. They welcomed their daughter Malti via surrogacy last year.
(Source: Armchair Expert with Dax Shepherd)