Gal Gadot is all set to collaborate again with director Patty Jenkins for a historical drama. This time around the actress will be playing the role of the famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Gadot and Jenkins first came together for 2017’s superhero film Wonder Woman and reunited again for its upcoming sequel, Wonder Woman 1984.
Gadot shared her excitement with all her fans. Sharing an artwork of the Egyptian queen, she said, "As you might have heard I teamed up with Patty jenkins and Leata Kalogridis to bring the story of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, to the big screen in a way she’s never been seen before. To tell her story for the first time through women's eyes, both behind and in front of the camera. And we are especially thrilled to be announcing this on International Day of the Girl! We hope women and girls all around the world, who aspire to tell stories will never give up on their dreams and will make their voices heard, by and for other women. #cleopatra #internationaldayofthegirl.”
The film’s story is being penned by Laeta Kalogridis. Reportedly the period drama will be produced by Atlas Entertainment's Charles Roven, Jenkins, Gadot and her Pilot Wave Motion Pictures partner Jaron Varsano. Gadot shared the news on social media. The film will be distributed by Paramount Pictures.
Cleopatra was the last ruler of Egypt from the Ptolemaic dynasty. She took Roman emperor Julius Caesar as her lover but married Caeser’s general Mark Antony. The enigmatic queen has been portrayed on screen several times before. Claudette Colbert and Elizabeth Taylor’s takes are the most popular ones. Lyndsey Marshal played Cleopatra in the HBO series Rome.
(Source: Instagram/Deadline)