Marvel Studios’ The Marvels, sequel to Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel has begun production. The film will center on Larson’s Carol Danvers, Teyonah Parris’ Monica Rambeau and Iman Vellani’s Kamala Khan, a teenager known as Ms Marvel. The film will also see Samuel L Jackson reprise his role as Nick Fury. Jackson shared a photo from the film’s set as the film commences its shoot. Larson also teased about the immense size of some of those sets.
Jackson captioned the photos, “Guess what time it is! Back in the box, just in The Nick of time!#rested &readytogo #whoyagoncall.” The pictures show Fury’s beard and moustache set, a T-Shirt with Fury’s disintegrating hand holding a pager that can communicate with Captain Marvel, a reference to the post credits scene from Avengers: Infinity War.
In an interview with a portal, Larson confirmed that The Marvels has begun filming and shared some insight into what her experience has been like so far. She said, “When you’re doing films like this, they’re unlike anything else. Huge sets. Huge amount of people on set. A lot of specialist, specialty things. It’s a really unique experience. I’m a huge fan of Disneyland, so to me it feels like I get to go to my own private Disneyland every single day. Because they’re building all of these insane worlds that no one else knows about, no one else gets to see. I mean, you’ll see it when the movie comes out, but for now it’s just mine. I’m in sets that are bigger than you can imagine right now. It’s really special.”
The Marvels is currently scheduled to hit theaters on November 11, 2022.
(Source: Instagram/Sirius XM)