Brad Pitt is back in action with is upcoming film Bullet Train. The actor is busy promoting the film and has been serving some cool looks during the same. At the film’s Berlin premiere, while walking the red carpet, the actor grabbed eyeballs as he stepped out and struck a pose in not a tuxedo but a brown, raw-hem knee-length skirt and matching jacket. At the film's Berlin premiere, the actor was joined by the rest of the cast members including Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry. Pitt stole the show with his unique look at the event.
Brad opted for a dusty rose shirt underneath his two-piece set and completed his look with pendant necklaces, a pair of sunglasses and black combat boots. His look left the netizens in awe that just could not help shower praise on the actor’s choice as well as his leg tattoos. Check out some of the tweets below:
The Brad Pitt skirt fit is excellent. It's like if Dune had a eurotrash-filled Ibiza-lite.
— Cain (The First Son) (@DeathLetterReds) July 20, 2022
“No eff’s givin’” is my favorite Brad Pitt aesthetic you know there were stylists all around him wanting to iron that damn shirt and he’s just like “Nah, it’s fine”
— Simply Brad (@SimplyBradCom) July 19, 2022
Brad Pitt once again serves a LOOK
— Brad Pitt Web (@BradPittWeb) July 19, 2022
The stars also dazzled at the special screening in Paris yesterday. Prior to the red carpet premiere, Brad and his co-stars had also attended a photo call in Paris where he made hearts aflutter in linen suit in a peach shade and an orange T-shirt. Brad, Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, director David Leitch and producer Kelly McCormick posed for a photo call in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Hangout with the #BulletTrainMovie crew in Paris? Sign us up.
— Bullet Train (@BulletTrain) July 19, 2022
The stars of #BulletTrainMovie dazzled on the red carpet at a Special Screening in Paris! See the movie exclusively in theaters August 5. (2/2)
— Bullet Train (@BulletTrain) July 19, 2022
Brb watching this video of #BradPitt on repeat. #BulletTrainMovie exclusively in movie theaters August 5.
: @evanhammerman
— Bullet Train (@BulletTrain) July 19, 2022
Raise your hand if you want to be in Berlin with the cast of #BulletTrainMovie right now See the movie exclusively in theaters August 5. (2/2)
— Bullet Train (@BulletTrain) July 20, 2022
Bullet Train is directed by David Leitch and sees Brad star as Ladybug, an unlucky assassin on a collision course with lethal adversaries from around the globe – all with connected, yet conflicting, objectives – on the world's fastest train...and he's got to figure out how to get off. After all, the end of the line is only the beginning (in a wild, thrilling ride through modern-day Japan)! The film also stars Michael Shannon, Andrew Koji, Bad Bunny, Hiroyuki Sanada and Sandra Bullock. Sony Pictures Entertainment India releases Bullet Train on August 5th in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
(Source: Twitter/Agencies/Instagram)