
Lost my baby five months into pregnancy in 2020: Rani Mukerji


At the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM), Rani Mukerji, in a masterclass session,  courageously opened up about a deeply personal aspect of her life – a miscarriage that she endured in 2020.

Rani revealed that she chose not to disclose this painful chapter during the promotional period for Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway. She explained that in today's hyper-publicized world, personal experiences can be used as promotional tools, detracting from their genuine emotional significance. "It was 2020 when COVID-19 struck. I got pregnant with my second baby at the end of 2020, and I unfortunately lost my baby five months into my pregnancy," the actress shared.

She further highlighted the remarkable timing of her connection to the Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway storyline. Just ten days after her miscarriage, producer Nikkhil Advani reached out to her with the script, and Mukerji was struck by the alignment between her personal experience and the film's narrative. Rani confessed that the unexpected story of an Indian family facing challenges in Norway resonated deeply, forming an immediate bond, and that, the makers of the film were unaware of her personal ordeal until the masterclass. 

"When they see this interview, they will be quite shocked," she revealed, underscoring the authenticity of her connection to the project.

Rani is married to Aditya Chopra, honcho of Yash Raj Films. The couple welcomed their daughter Adira in 2015.

Source: IIFM

